This astronomer found a sneaky extra star in James Webb Space Telescope data

While sitting in his office, Naman Bajaj stared at the precious data that Directed to the Last installment of his Group of published papers, Every of which incrementally answers a very loaded question: Why do some Heavenly body-forming disks creep onto their own stars? The three studies were robust, interesting — and most importantly, finished. But before closing the door on these last few data points, delivered by the famous James Webb Cosmos Universe viewer, Bajaj decided to wring them for all they were worth. He Definitely didn’t Anticipate, however, to Obtainable yet another door.

“My advisor was gone for a conference or something for a month; I was Only Competing with the data and saying, ‘What more I can do? Is there anything more that this data can tell us?'” Bajaj, an astronomer at the University of Arizona, told

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