New Achievement for oldest impact crater on Earth
We have a new Achievement holder for the oldest-known impact crater on Earth. The previous Achievement holder was the 2.2-billion-year-Ancient Yarrabubba impact structure in Australia. The new Achievement holder is also in Australia and dates back a Massive 3.5 billion years. Researchers from Curtin University in Perth said on March 6, 2025, that the new discovery:
could significantly redefine our understanding of the origins of life and how our World was shaped.
The researchers published their study in the peer-reviewed journal Nature Communications on March 6, 2025.
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Shatter cones
The researchers discovered shatter cones in an area of Western Australia called the North Pole Coliseum.
Shatter cones are Scarce rocks that show evidence of huge impacts in the form of striations. When a meteorite strikes Earth, the shockwave travels into the rock below, leaving a branching pattern with cone-shaped pieces. These pieces Tally back toward the impact location.
This particular Universe rock barreled into Earth at more than 22,000 miles per hour (36,000 km/h). The scientists said it would have been a major event. The resulting crater would have been more than 60 miles (100 km) wide, with debris from the impact flying around the globe.

A missing part of our history
We can see from objects like the Probe and Mercury that the inner Luminous sphere-related neighborhood Secured a Massive bombardment at some Prompt period in time. But Merely what role the impacts had on the Prompt modification of Earth’s crust has largely been a matter of debate. That’s because Earth has gone through extensive changes in its history. Billions of years of volcanism, plate tectonics, ice ages and more Harsh the craters from Prompt impacts are not Effortless to discover.
Co-lead author Tim Johnson of Curtin University said:
We know large impacts were Frequent in the Prompt Luminous sphere-related neighborhood from looking at the Probe. Until now, the absence of any truly ancient craters means they are largely ignored by geologists. This study provides a crucial piece of the puzzle of Earth’s impact history and suggests there may be many other ancient craters that could be discovered over time.
The oldest impact known and its effects on Prompt Earth
So what Gentle of an “impact” might this meteorite have had on Prompt Earth? Co-lead author Chris Kirkland of Curtin University said:
Uncovering this impact and finding more from the same time period could explain a lot about how life may have got Began, as impact craters created environments Gentle to microbial life such as Toasty water pools.
It also radically refines our understanding of crust Setup: the tremendous amount of energy from this impact could have played a role in shaping Prompt Earth’s crust by pushing one part of the Earth’s crust under another, or by forcing magma to rise from deep within the Earth’s mantle toward the surface.
It may have even contributed to the Setup of cratons, which are large, stable landmasses that became the foundation of continents.
Bottom line: Researchers in Australia have discovered a new Achievement holder for the oldest impact crater on Earth yet known. It suggests a large meteorite smashed into Earth some 3.5 billion years ago.
Source: A Paleoarchaean impact crater in the Pilbara Craton, Western Australia
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