Tom Hanks’ ‘The Moonwalkers’ makes US premiere at Space Center Houston

footage from the launch of a rocket is projected onto a giant movie screen as well as the theater's walls and floor

It is not unusual to see a Saturn V launch while viewing a film at Space Center Houston. Never before, though, has that spectacle stretched beyond the center’s five-story-tall screen to fill the theater’s walls and extend out onto the floor. That is what happens now with the premiere of “The Moonwalkers: A Journey with … Read more

Construction of Roman Continues With the Addition of its Sunshade

NASA continues to progress with the development of the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope (RST), the next-generation observatory with a target launch date of 2027. As the direct successor to the venerable Hubble Space Telescope, Roman will build on the successes of Hubble and the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). Named after NASA’s first chief … Read more

White Dwarfs Could Be More Habitable Than We Thought

The researchers created synthetic spectra for both Kepler-62 and the white dwarf based on what is known about both. This image shows the spectral energy distribution of the modelled WD with an effective temperature of 5000 K (red) and a synthetic spectrum of Kepler-62 (4859 K, purple). Image Credit: Shields et al. 2025.

White dwarfs are the remnants of once brilliant main sequence stars like our Sun. They’re extremely dense and no longer perform any fusion. The light they radiate is from remnant heat only. Astronomers have doubted that white dwarfs could host habitable planets, partly because of the tumultuous path they follow to become white dwarfs, but … Read more

How sonification turns data into sound

still from the sonification of galaxy cluster RXC J0142.9+4438

Modern astronomical observatories send us an enormous amount of data, which is generally examined and shared in the form of images. But what if the myriad forms of information we receive from space could be converted into sounds that inspire, entertain, educate, and enlighten? And what if, more than that, these soundscapes could offer access … Read more

Dramatically Decreasing the Time it Takes to Measure Asteroid Distances

The Vera Rubin Observatory is poised to begin observations in 2025. It could detect 130 Near Earth Objects each night. Image Credit: Rubin Observatory/NSF/AURA/B. Quint

We all know that asteroids are out there, that some of them come dangerously close to Earth, and that they’ve struck Earth before with catastrophic consequences. The recent discovery of asteroid 2024 YR4 reminds us of the persistent threat that asteroids present. There’s an organized effort to find dangerous space rocks and determine how far … Read more

How Sen’s 4K live cameras on the ISS offer a new perspective from space (op-ed)

24/7 Live 4K video of Earth and space: Livestream of Earth by Sen’s 4K video cameras on the ISS - YouTube

24/7 Live 4K video of Earth and space: Livestream of Earth by Sen’s 4K video cameras on the ISS – YouTube Watch On Charles Black is Founder and CEO of Sen. Looking at our planet from space gives you a different view of life on Earth, one which has the power to change the way … Read more

7 romantic sci-fi movies to cuddle up with on Valentine’s Day

Starman (1984) - Official Trailer - YouTube

Science fiction fans are an incredibly passionate bunch and just like everyone else, we love to celebrate Valentine’s Day with starry-eyed appreciation and gratitude towards our friends and loved ones with flowers, chocolates, and over-priced greeting cards to mark the amorous occasion. To help celebrate Cupid’s favorite holiday, we’ve compiled a sweet collection of some … Read more

Pale Blue Dot 35 years later: Earth in a sunbeam

Pale blue dot: An image of bluish space, with streaks of sunlight crossing it, and with a single dot - Earth - within one of the sunbeams.

View larger. | In this image from Voyager 1 – acquired on February 14, 1990, from a distance slightly past the orbit of Saturn – planet Earth appears as a pale blue dot within the sunbeam, just right of center. As you can see, the blue glow of Earth occupies less than a single pixel … Read more

A look at Nigeria and Ghana cybercriminals will surprise you


People find love in many ways and through diverse mediums. Online platforms have become popular meeting places for people looking to find intimate partners, making them a prime target for cybercriminals. Online romance fraud has become a global phenomenon. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the US, romance scams accounted for losses to … Read more

Bird fossil hints Antarctica was a refuge from killer asteroid

Bird fossil: Artist's depiction of several duck-like birds swimming with dark bodies and orange bills.

An artist’s concept of Vegavis iaai, a loon-like waterfowl. Scientists think it was a diving bird, shown here chasing fish. Researchers discovered an almost complete Vegavis iaai skull in Antarctica and said it’s the oldest-known modern bird fossil. Its existence in Antarctica suggests this land was a refuge from the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs. … Read more