Boost for alien hunters? Earth life may not be so improbable, study suggests

The concept of the “great filter” to explain why so far we seem to be alone in the universe is based on erroneous assumptions, according to a new model that describes how life on Earth evolved in step with changing geobiological conditions rather than through a series of improbable events. “We’re arguing that intelligent life … Read more

20 jaw-dropping places on Earth that look like an alien planet

For centuries, humanity has dreamed of exploring distant planets. With the upcoming Artemis 2 mission taking astronauts around the moon, NASA is taking its first steps toward future crewed missions to Mars in the 2030s and 2040s. But you don’t need to leave Earth to experience landscapes that feel out of this world. From volcanic … Read more

SETI Researchers Double-Checked 1 Million Objects for Signs of Alien Signals

We can’t help ourselves but wonder about life elsewhere in the Universe. Any hint of a biosignature or even a faint, technosignature-like event wrests our attention away from our tumultuous daily affairs. In 1984, our wistful quest took concrete form as SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, SETI has turned up … Read more

Who are the Covenant? The enemy alien alliance explained

Whether you’re following Master Chief and the United Nations Space Command (UNSC)’s fight against the Covenant by watching the Halo TV series or playing the Halo games in order, you might be wondering what’s the deal with the religious alien hegemony that threatens humanity. We’ve collected the main points of their history here to give … Read more