Mysterious fast radio burst traced back to massive ‘cosmic graveyard’ of ancient stars

a bright white fuzzy dot on a dark grey background

Astronomers have been forced to reassess the origins of mysterious, rapid radio wave blasts called “fast radio bursts” (FRBs). This rethink was brought about by an FRB first detected last year, which has been traced back to the “cosmic graveyard” of a massive “dead” galaxy filled with ancient stars located 2 billion light-years from Earth. … Read more

Ancient lizard traps are ecologically important habitat

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Across south-west Australia, Aboriginal peoples have long built lizard traps by propping up rocks on granite outcrops. Now, it’s been found that these traps are not just culturally important but ecologically important too, providing reptiles with habitat and vital shade. “Granite outcrops are ancient, biodiverse, and culturally significant ecosystems that are at risk from contemporary … Read more

Ancient glaciers paved way for life on Earth


The movement of massive glaciers during global ice ages contributed to the rise of complex life, new research reveals. By analysing zircon crystals in ancient rocks, geologists found that as glaciers flowed across the Earth’s surface, they carved deep into the crust and released key minerals from below. These minerals were later flushed out to … Read more

Rover Finds the Shoreline of an Ancient Beach on Mars

Map of Utopia Planitia showing the landing site of the Zhurong rover and four proposed ancient shorelines. The landing site is about 280 kilometers north of and some 500 meters lower in elevation than the northern hypothesized shorelines. In its traverse, Zhurong traveled south from its landing site, toward the ancient shorelines. Courtesy:  Hai Liu, Guangzhou University, China

Data from the Chinese rover Zhurong is adding to the pile of evidence for oceans on ancient Mars. For a year, this little craft traveled over nearly two kilometers of the Martian surface and made radar scans of buried natural structures that look like ocean shorelines. Zhurong’s ground-penetrating radar (GPR) looked under the surface to … Read more

Perseverance Takes A Second Look At Some Ancient Rocks

This image shows Perseverance's landing ellipse (green circle) and the different regions in the Jezero Crater. The rover is currently exploring the crater rim, shown in purple. Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/USGS/University of Arizona

A planet’s history is told in its ancient rock. Earth’s oldest rocks are in the Canadian Shield, Australia’s Jack Hill, the Greenstone Belts in Greenland, and a handful of other locations. These rocks hold powerful clues to our planet’s history. On Mars, the same holds true. That’s why NASA’s Perseverance rover is revisiting some of … Read more

This Ancient Galaxy Cluster is Still Forming Stars When it Should be ‘Red and Dead’

This older image of the Phoenix Cluster (SPT-CLJ2344-4243) combines Chandra and Hubble's X-ray, ultraviolet, and optical wavelengths. In this new research, the team of scientists used the JWST's infrared capabilities to try to understand Phoenix better. Image Credit: By X-ray: NASA/CXC/MIT/M.McDonald et al; Optical: NASA/STScI - (image link), Public Domain,

The Phoenix Cluster is one of the most massive galaxy clusters known. Astronomers have identified 42 member galaxies so far, yet there could be as many as 1,000 in the cluster. Because of its size and its age, it should be finished with the vigorous star formation characteristic of young galaxies. But it’s not. Star … Read more