Asteroid 2024 YR4’s odds of hitting Earth just got a lot smaller

The asteroid 2024 YR4 (like the one shown in this artist’s concept) are dim in visible light, but the infrared light it gives off means the James Webb Space Telescope will be a powerful tool to study it. NASA/JPL-Caltech In December, the Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS), located in Chile, identified an asteroid they … Read more

Dramatically Decreasing the Time it Takes to Measure Asteroid Distances

The Vera Rubin Observatory is poised to begin observations in 2025. It could detect 130 Near Earth Objects each night. Image Credit: Rubin Observatory/NSF/AURA/B. Quint

We all know that asteroids are out there, that some of them come dangerously close to Earth, and that they’ve struck Earth before with catastrophic consequences. The recent discovery of asteroid 2024 YR4 reminds us of the persistent threat that asteroids present. There’s an organized effort to find dangerous space rocks and determine how far … Read more

Bird fossil hints Antarctica was a refuge from killer asteroid

Bird fossil: Artist's depiction of several duck-like birds swimming with dark bodies and orange bills.

An artist’s concept of Vegavis iaai, a loon-like waterfowl. Scientists think it was a diving bird, shown here chasing fish. Researchers discovered an almost complete Vegavis iaai skull in Antarctica and said it’s the oldest-known modern bird fossil. Its existence in Antarctica suggests this land was a refuge from the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs. … Read more

What would happen if the OSIRIS-REx asteroid Bennu smashed into Earth in 2182?

a large rock impacts a blue-and-green planet, creating a fiery crater

What would happen if Earth were struck by another catastrophic asteroid? While such an event would be devastating, researchers at the IBS Center for Climate Physics (ICCP) at Pusan National University in South Korea wondered specifically how Earth’s climate and ecosystems might change in the aftermath of such an impact. They calculated that there is … Read more

The Moon has Two Grand Canyons, Carved in Minutes by an Asteroid Impact

Schrödinger peak-ring impact basin and two radiating canyons carved by impact ejecta. NASASVSErnest T. Wright. b Azimuthal Equidistant Projection of the Moon LRO LROC WAC Global Morphology Mosaic 100?m v3 (100 meters/pixel), centered on the Schrödinger basin, with the continuous ejecta blanket outlined (beige, after ref. 27) and radial secondary crater rays (red). Vallis Schrödinger and Vallis Planck (see Fig. 3 for close-up views) intersect near the southern rim of the basin (white point). The size of the point indicates the uncertainty. The projected bearing of the primary impactor (yellow) runs through the point of intersection and the basin center. A third unnamed feature extends in an uprange direction.

Our Moon continues to surprise us with amazing features. Scientists recently shared new information about two canyons that branch out from a major lunar impact. The site is the Schrödinger basin near the Moon’s South Pole. It formed when an asteroid or possibly even a leftover planetesimal slammed into the surface. It took only minutes … Read more

Odds of an asteroid impact in 2032 just went up. Here’s why experts say you shouldn’t worry

The odds of the asteroid 2024 YR4 impacting Earth in 2032 have increased to 1 in 43. Despite this, you still shouldn’t worry about the potential impact of this asteroid. That’s because experts expected the impact probability of this asteroid, which sits at the top of the Center for Near Earth Object Studies Sentry asteroid … Read more

Asteroid 2024 YR4 chances of hitting Earth up to 1 in 53

EarthSky’s Deborah Byrd interviewed asteroid expert Dr. Richard Binzel of MIT – inventor of the Torino Scale – about asteroid 2024 YR4. Increasing odds of impact Asteroid 2024 YR4 still sits at a 3 on the Torino scale, but its odds of hitting Earth have inched up. Keep in mind that those odds are still … Read more

When is an asteroid not an asteroid? When it’s Elon Musk’s Tesla Roadster

The discovery of a new asteroid this month has turned out to be anything but. In fact, it isn’t even a natural object. The wannabe asteroid, announced on Jan. 2 as 2018 CN41, is actually a Tesla Roadster launched into space years ago by SpaceX CEO Elon Musk. The company sent the car (with a … Read more

Asteroid Bennu reveals conditions for life, but with twist

Technicians carrying the precious sample of asteroid Bennu in 2023. The sample was headed for a newly constructed clean room at Johnson Space Center in Houston. Image via NASA. Bennu is a carbon-rich asteroid that passes semi-close to Earth about every six years. Scientists say it might have originated from a larger body farther out … Read more

“It’s like taking a picture of lightning:” How astronomers raced to track the smallest asteroid ever seen

Astronomer Teddy Kareta had spent countless nights over the years observing various objects across our solar system using Arizona’s Lowell Discovery Telescope, or LDT. On Nov. 19, 2022, he set his alarm to ring shortly before midnight, in preparation for what he presumed would be a quiet observing night — and woke up to missed … Read more