One of the Most Massive Black Holes in the Universe Lurks at the Center of the Cosmic Horsehoe

This figure from the research shows the relationship between the SMBH mass and the host effective
velocity dispersion. The black solid line represents the relation from previous research in 2016, with dashed and dotted lines showing the 1 sigma and 3 sigma scatter, respectively. Horseshoe is labelled and clearly deviates from established relationship. The other galaxies labelled nearby also contain UMBHs that deviate significantly. Image Credit: Melo-Carneiro et al. 2025.

In 2007, astronomers discovered the Cosmic Horseshoe, a gravitationally lensed system of galaxies about five-and-a-half billion light-years away. The foreground galaxy’s mass magnifies and distorts the image of a distant background galaxy whose light has travelled for billions of years before reaching us. The foreground and background galaxies are in such perfect alignment that they … Read more

Speediest exoplanet found near Milky Way center?

Hundreds of stars in space, many of them with short trails behind them. A bright one has a long red trail.

View larger. | Artist’s visualization of stars near the center of the Milky Way. The longer the trail of each star, the faster it is moving. Scientists have discovered what might be the speediest exoplanet system yet. It’s depicted with a long bright trail at center. Image via NASA/ JPL-Caltech/ R. Hurt (Caltech-IPAC). Stars move … Read more

Tom Hanks’ ‘The Moonwalkers’ makes US premiere at Space Center Houston

footage from the launch of a rocket is projected onto a giant movie screen as well as the theater's walls and floor

It is not unusual to see a Saturn V launch while viewing a film at Space Center Houston. Never before, though, has that spectacle stretched beyond the center’s five-story-tall screen to fill the theater’s walls and extend out onto the floor. That is what happens now with the premiere of “The Moonwalkers: A Journey with … Read more

Binary star system finally discovered near Milky Way center

This image gazes toward the heart of the Milky Way, in the direction of its core. Credit: ESO/S. Guisard ( Veiled in gas and clouds, the Milky Way’s center does not easily give up secrets. The initial detection of its supermassive black hole (SMBH) decades ago posed as many riddles as it solved, including the … Read more

Kennedy Space Center viewing gantry gaining rocket engine test sim in 2025

A countdown is underway at NASA’s Florida spaceport, ticking down the days until the public can experience a rocket engine test closer than ever before — by standing directly under the engine’s nozzle. The Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex has announced the upcoming opening of The Gantry at LC-39, a former launch pad viewing tower … Read more