Earth’s ice caps are temporary and rare, study suggests

Earth's ice caps: About 3/4 of Earth with a large part of the upper region covered in white ice. Ocean and clouds surround the ice area.

View larger. | Here’s a view of Earth on September 21, 2005, showing the entire region of Antarctica with land ice and its seasonal sea ice. A new study shows that Earth’s ice caps are a rare event in the planet’s history. Image via Andrzej 22/ Wikimedia Commons/ NASA (Public domain). Earth has two ice … Read more

Why is Venus so bright in our Earth’s sky?

Two thin white vertical crescents on a dark background, the right one smaller and fuzzy.

View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Karthik Easvur in Delhi, India, captured these 2 images on September 12, 2023. They show a crescent moon – and a crescent planet Venus – on the same evening. “It was just amazing,” he wrote. You need a telescope to see Venus as a crescent. But the planet and … Read more

Solar flares in May 2024 revealed Earth’s vulnerability to space weather

After losing his Pacific Palisades neighborhood in the fires that swept through Los Angeles in January, Kent Tobiska, the CEO and chief scientist at Space Environment Technologies, is reconsidering a part of his work. Specifically, he’s rethinking the danger posed by geomagnetic storms. Instead of worrying only about rare storms like the 1859 Carrington event, … Read more

Water Arrived in the Final Stages of Earth’s Formation

Roughly 4.6 billion years ago, the Sun was born from the gas and dust of a nebula that underwent gravitational collapse. The remaining gas and dust settled into a protoplanetary disk that slowly accreted to form the planets, including Earth. About 4.5 billion years ago, our planet was impacted by a Mars-sized body (Theia), which … Read more

Earth’s gravity gave the Moon an early facelift

Current theories of the Moon’s formation favor both the Earth and Moon forming from the debris created by the collision of a Mars-sized world with the proto-Earth about 4.5 billion years ago. New research, however, suggests that the Moon later underwent a second melting event that reset the apparent age of many geological samples. Credit: … Read more