Temperamental Stars are Messing With Our Exoplanet Efforts

This extraordinarily detailed image of the Sun's surface comes from the Solar Orbiter during a recent close encounter. Swirling magnetic fields help create cooler and hotter regions on the surface. Image Credit: ESA - European Space Agency

We have the transit method to thank for the large majority of the exoplanets we’ve discovered. When an exoplanet transits its star, the dip in starlight tells astronomers that a planet is present. Analyzing the light can tell them about the planet’s size and atmospheric properties. However, a star’s surface isn’t always uniformly heated. There … Read more

Scientists alarmed as Rubin Observatory changes biography of astronomer Vera Rubin amid Trump’s push to end DEI efforts

A white observatory on top of a brown mountain. There is alight glow in the sky.

Astronomers are expressing disappointment and alarm as the federally-funded Rubin Observatory altered the biography of renowned astronomer Vera Rubin, for whom the facility is named, on its website. The amended version curtails her legacy of championing women in science and removes all mentions of the observatory’s efforts to reduce barriers for women and other historically … Read more

The efforts bridging space sustainability, from best intentions to real-world actions

As the use of space accelerates, so too does the risk of orbital debris — a pressing threat to communications, navigation and other technologies underpinning life on Earth. An estimated 131 million pieces of satellites and rockets larger than a millimeter are currently in orbit, traveling at speeds of up to 28,100 kilometers per hour. … Read more