How do black holes ‘leak’ energy? Scientists have a new spin on the answer

An illustration of the region surrounding a feeding supermassive black hole. What could possibly hide such a ravenous cosmic titan?

Black holes may leak more energy to their surroundings than previously suspected — and the faster these voids spin, the more efficient this energy extraction seems to be. With this in mind, a team of scientists has discovered how the disks of gas and dust that swirl around black holes can become the powerful engines … Read more

What is dark energy? Exploding white dwarf stars may help us crack the case

a small white-and-blue mottled orb next to a fiery red-and-orange orb, against a background of stars

There are a lot of ways for dead stars to blow their tops. Astronomers discovered this explosive diversity when they assessed 3,628 exploding white dwarfs during a next-generation sky survey conducted using the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) between March 2018 and December 2020. That means that this dataset of nearby supernovas is several times larger … Read more

Largest-ever discovery of ‘missing link’ black holes revealed by dark energy camera (video)

a bright white cloud against a background of stars, beside 18 different images of bright white dots surrounded by fuzzy white disks

Astronomers have uncovered a treasure trove of feeding black holes at the heart of dwarf galaxies — small, faint galaxies containing thousands to several billions of stars but very little gas. The discovery, made with the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI), contains several “missing link” intermediate-mass black holes. This is both the largest sample of … Read more

Cosmic voids may explain the universe’s acceleration without dark energy

Dark energy, the mysterious force that’s driving the accelerating expansion of the universe, may not actually exist, scientists say. Their research has brought into question one of the cornerstones of modern cosmology. In a new study, published Dec. 19, 2024 in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, the researchers analyzed data from … Read more

Highest energy neutrino observed by undersea telescope

Highest energy neutrino: An orb with multiple small circular cameras all over hanging above the sea.

This is the optical module of the telescope KM3NeT that has captured the highest energy neutrino yet known. It made the discovery from the dark depths of the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea. Image via KM3NeT (CC BY-NC 4.0). Highest energy neutrino observed from undersea telescope There’s a telescope sitting more than a mile and … Read more