Astronomers Find the Largest Structure in the Universe and Name it “Quipu”

Is it possible to understand the Universe without understanding the largest structures that reside in it? In principle, not likely. In practical terms? Definitely not. Extremely large objects can distort our understanding of the cosmos. Astronomers have found the largest structure in the Universe so far, named Quipu after an Incan measuring system. It contains … Read more

Want to find a black hole? Pick up a rock

This artist’s concept shows many tiny primordial black holes. Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center While black holes are perplexing at any size, some of the most mysterious are hypothetical primordial black holes, those that sprung into existence in the first second after the Big Bang and some of which are featherweights on the black … Read more

A New Study Suggests How we Could Find Advanced Civilizations that Ran Out of Fusion Fuel

When it comes to our modern society and the many crises we face, there is little doubt that fusion power is the way of the future. The technology not only offers abundant power that could solve the energy crisis, it does so in a clean and sustainable way. At least as long as our supplies … Read more

Could the ESA’s PLATO Mission Find Earth 2.0?

Currently, 5,788 exoplanets have been confirmed in 4,326 star systems, while thousands more candidates await confirmation. So far, the vast majority of these planets have been gas giants (3,826) or Super-Earths (1,735), while only 210 have been “Earth-like” – meaning rocky planets similar in size and mass to Earth. What’s more, the majority of these … Read more

Cosmic rays may complicate the quest to find life on Mars

On Mars, some of the most likely places to look for traces of ancient life may also be the least likely to preserve those traces. This is the result of a recent study that simulated exposing important building blocks of life called “lipids” to cosmic rays pummeling the surface of Mars. And, in short, the … Read more

Satellites find likely cause of mysterious African elephant deaths in 2020

The staggering and unexplained deaths of over 300 African elephants in early 2020 — one of the largest mass mortality events of wild mammals in recent history — was most likely due to toxins in water that proliferated due to climate extremes, according to a fresh analysis of a decade’s worth of satellite data. The … Read more