This Ancient Galaxy Cluster is Still Forming Stars When it Should be ‘Red and Dead’

This older image of the Phoenix Cluster (SPT-CLJ2344-4243) combines Chandra and Hubble's X-ray, ultraviolet, and optical wavelengths. In this new research, the team of scientists used the JWST's infrared capabilities to try to understand Phoenix better. Image Credit: By X-ray: NASA/CXC/MIT/M.McDonald et al; Optical: NASA/STScI - (image link), Public Domain,

The Phoenix Cluster is one of the most massive galaxy clusters known. Astronomers have identified 42 member galaxies so far, yet there could be as many as 1,000 in the cluster. Because of its size and its age, it should be finished with the vigorous star formation characteristic of young galaxies. But it’s not. Star … Read more

Einstein ring spotted around a nearby galaxy

Many small galaxies and one large, fuzzy almost circular one with a tiny, glowing ring around its bright center.

Look closely. Can you spot the ring of light around the center of this galaxy, NGC 6505? ESA’s Euclid telescope captured galaxy NGC 6505, which is acting as a gravitational lens, bending the light from a more distant galaxy and creating this Einstein ring. See closeup below. Image via ESA/ Euclid/ Euclid Consortium/ NASA. Image … Read more

Boom! Galaxy with 9 rings nicknamed the Bullseye

This ringed galaxy with 9 rings – known previously as LEDA 1313424 – has been nicknamed the Bullseye. It has 6 more rings than any other known galaxy. Researchers said on February 4, 2025, that a small galaxy dove through the heart of the Bullseye some 50 million years ago. The collision resulted in these … Read more