Gravitational waves might exhibit quantum properties


Galaxies, planets, black holes: to most people, everything about our Universe sounds and feels enormous. But while it’s true that much of what happens millions of light years away is large, there are also processes happening at the quantum end of the scale. That’s the branch of science which explains how nature works at very … Read more

To Probe the Interior of Neutron Stars, We Must Study the Gravitational Waves from their Collisions

When massive stars reach the end of their life cycle, they undergo gravitational collapse and shed their outer layers in a massive explosion (a supernova). Whereas particularly massive stars will leave a black hole in their wake, others leave behind a stellar remnant known as a neutron star (or white dwarf). These objects concentrate a … Read more

Gravitational waves could turn colliding neutron stars into ‘cosmic tuning forks’

The kilonova associated with GW170817 (inset) as observed by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope (visible light) and Chandra X-ray Observatory (blue) over nine days in August 2017.

Scientists have discovered a new way to probe the interiors of neutron stars by using gravitational waves to turn them into “cosmic tuning forks.” The reverberations of such ripples in spacetime could reveal the interiors of these extreme stellar remains. Born when massive stars die, neutron stars have up to two times the mass of … Read more

Sweeping gravitational wave map of the universe could reveal hidden black holes

The most detailed map of the universe ever created using gravitational waves could reveal hidden black holes, merging supermassive black holes and even the large-scale structure of the cosmos. The study, conducted by a team led by astronomers from Swinburne University of Technology, also presented the largest-ever galactic-scale detector of gravitational waves, which are basically … Read more