Does Jupiter’s Moon Callisto Have an Ocean? The Evidence is Mounting

Europa (L), Enceladus (M), and Callisto (R) have distinctly different surfaces, yet all likely have subsurface oceans.

Some of our Solar System’s moons have become very enticing targets in the search for life. There’s growing evidence that some of them have oceans under layers of ice and that these oceans are warm and rich in prebiotic chemistry. NASA’s Europa Clipper is on its way to examine Jupiter’s moon Europa, and the ESA’s … Read more

What causes volcanic eruptions on Jupiter’s moon Io? Scientists aren’t so sure anymore

Jupiter’s volcanic moon Io doesn’t appear to have a subsurface ocean of magma, resolving some issues about how Io’s volcanoes erupt and raising broader questions about similar magma oceans within other moons and planets. Data from previous missions had made planetary scientists wonder whether, rather than just pockets of melt, Io contained a 31-mile (50-kilometer) … Read more

NASA tests high-tech software for future mission to search for life on Jupiter’s moon Europa

Artificial intelligence is being developed to provide a robotic brain for a future NASA mission to land on the icy surface of one of the solar system’s ocean moons, such as Europa or Enceladus. The autonomous software is being developed by teams of researchers who are making use of a robotic arm, mimicking that belonging … Read more