Does Jupiter’s Moon Callisto Have an Ocean? The Evidence is Mounting

Europa (L), Enceladus (M), and Callisto (R) have distinctly different surfaces, yet all likely have subsurface oceans.

Some of our Solar System’s moons have become very enticing targets in the search for life. There’s growing evidence that some of them have oceans under layers of ice and that these oceans are warm and rich in prebiotic chemistry. NASA’s Europa Clipper is on its way to examine Jupiter’s moon Europa, and the ESA’s … Read more

Signs of life on Enceladus might remain hidden in its ocean

Life on Enceladus: Shadowed edge of planet-like body with several bright plumes erupting from the surface. Small spacecraft close to the plumes.

View larger. | Artist’s illustration of Cassini spacecraft flying through the water vapor plumes of Enceladus. A new study from researchers in the UK has found that Enceladus’ subsurface ocean might have layers that make it difficult to find traces of life on Enceladus. Image via NASA/ JPL-Caltech/ Space Science Institute. Saturn’s moon Enceladus has … Read more

Are grooves on Uranus’ moon Ariel evidence for an ocean?

Uranus' moon Ariel: Gray moon-like body with bright spots and long curving canyons.

View larger. | NASA’s Voyager 2 spacecraft captured this view of Uranus’ moon Ariel on January 24, 1986. We can clearly see various canyons and grooves. Image via NASA/ Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Uranus’ moon Ariel might have a subsurface ocean, a study found last year. The ocean could be ancient or it could still exist … Read more