Red Planet slowly gives up oceanic secrets

A map of the red planet with a hypothetical ocean in the northern hemisphere.

There’s more evidence, if it was required, that Mars once hosted cool water in large volumes, which would have been an environment well-suited for microbial life to evolve on the Red Planet. Two new pieces of research released this week dovetail nicely with a third which describes a new method to detect fossils of microbial … Read more

Is Pluto a planet or not? Who cares! Our love for the King of the Kuiper Belt is stronger than ever 95 years later

A black and white image of a dome in the forest.

Clyde Tombaugh didn’t set out to discover Pluto when he sent his sketches of the night sky to Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona in 1929. More than anything, he just wanted to get off the farm in Kansas where he spent his days working the earth. At just 23 years old, Tombaugh sent his drawings, … Read more

A Recent Impact on Mars Shook the Planet to Its Mantle

New research suggests an impact recently rattled Mars deeper than thought. HiRISE images a recent impact crater in the Cerberus Fossae region, seen on March 4, 2021. Credit: NASA/MRO/HiRISE Something really rang the Red Planet’s bell. Research involving two NASA missions—the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, and the late InSight lander—has shed light on meteorite impacts and … Read more

Giant planet or ‘failed star?’ Newfound mystery world blurs the lines

One of the largest exoplanets to be found orbiting a relatively low-mass star has been discovered, thanks to the way the planet’s gravity drags its star around on its journey through space. The planet is the fourth world to be spotted in data from the European Space Agency’s Gaia mission, which was designed to map … Read more

20 jaw-dropping places on Earth that look like an alien planet

For centuries, humanity has dreamed of exploring distant planets. With the upcoming Artemis 2 mission taking astronauts around the moon, NASA is taking its first steps toward future crewed missions to Mars in the 2030s and 2040s. But you don’t need to leave Earth to experience landscapes that feel out of this world. From volcanic … Read more

Webb Observes Protoplanetary Disks that Contradict Models of Planet Formation

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) was specifically intended to address some of the greatest unresolved questions in cosmology. These include all of the major questions scientists have been pondering since the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) took its deepest views of the Universe: the Hubble Tension, how the first stars and galaxies came together, how … Read more

Hubble’s ‘impossible’ planet explained? Gas giants may have formed fast in early universe

Giant, gas-rich planets may have been able to form more easily in the very early universe than they do today, according to astounding new findings from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) that corroborate earlier Hubble Space Telescope evidence. In 2003, Hubble found a massive exoplanet. There’s nothing too unusual about that, but closer inspection … Read more