7 planets are aligned in the night sky right now. But what’s that mean for science?

eight planets of different sizes orbit around a yellow star in concentric circles

For the last month and change, you might’ve seen the headlines about the planetary alignment, or a planetary parade, going on in our solar system. And that’s true. In January 2025, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune were all visible in the night sky. And in February, 2025, Mercury will join the fun, with … Read more

The JWST Gives Us Our Best Image of Planets Forming Around a Star

This is a colour-enhanced image of millimetre-wave radio signals from the ALMA observatory from previous research. It shows the PDS 70 star and both exoplanets. Image Credit: A. Isella, ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO)

Planets are born in swirling disks of gas and dust around young stars. Astronomers are keenly interested in the planet formation process, and understanding that process is one of the JWST’s main science goals. PDS 70 is a nearby star with two nascent planets forming in its disk, two of the very few exoplanets that … Read more

Scientists say 2 asteroids may actually be fragments of destroyed planets from our early solar system

Scientists believe that two asteroids might be fragments of long-lost “planetary embryos” from the early solar system. These embryos, somewhere between small planetesimals and fully formed planets, were abundant during the solar system’s formative stages and played a critical role in planetary formation. Two asteroids in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, (246) … Read more

New Year’s Star Sirius and 2 planets ring in 2025

Every year, you can ring in the new year by going out at midnight and finding the dazzling star Sirius, sometimes called the New Year’s Star. In 2025, Sirius will be joined by the bright planets Jupiter and Mars. And of course, the bright constellation Orion the Hunter makes them easy to find. You can’t … Read more

Could Planets Orbiting Two Stars Have Moons?

Exomoons are a hot topic in the science community, as none have been confirmed with astronomers finding new and creative ways to identify them. But while astronomers have searched for exomoons orbiting exoplanets around single stars like our Sun, could exomoons exist around exoplanets orbiting binary stars? This is what a recent study submitted to … Read more

Here’s How Interstellar Objects and Rogue Planets Can be Trapped in the Solar System

When Oumuamua traversed our Solar System in 2017 it was the first confirmed Interstellar Object (ISO) to do so. Then in 2019, Comet 2l/Borisov did the same thing. These are the only two confirmed ISOs to visit our Solar System. Many more ISOs must have visited in our Solar System’s long history, and many more … Read more