Mysterious fast radio burst traced back to massive ‘cosmic graveyard’ of ancient stars

a bright white fuzzy dot on a dark grey background

Astronomers have been forced to reassess the origins of mysterious, rapid radio wave blasts called “fast radio bursts” (FRBs). This rethink was brought about by an FRB first detected last year, which has been traced back to the “cosmic graveyard” of a massive “dead” galaxy filled with ancient stars located 2 billion light-years from Earth. … Read more

Largest radio jet seen yet in the early universe

Three images, one with a red optical blob, one a a yellowish dual blob and then put together to show the galaxy and jet.

Watch this video of the largest radio jet that astronomers have seen yet in the early universe. Image via NOIRLab. Largest radio jet seen yet in the early universe In the nearby universe, astronomers have seen many radio jets blasting outward from the black holes at the cores of galaxies. But on February 6, 2025, … Read more

High-Resolution Imaging of Dyson Sphere Candidate Reveals no Radio Signals

In the more than sixty years where scientists have engaged in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), several potential examples of technological activity (“technosignatures”) have been considered. While most SETI surveys to date have focused on potential radio signals from distant sources, scientists have expanded the search to include other possible examples. This includes other … Read more