The Sky This Week from February 21 to 28: Saturn and Mercury meet

February 24, 2025, 30 minutes after sunset, looking west

Mercury and Saturn stand side by side in the early-evening sky near the end of February. Note that Neptune is not visible to the naked eye. Credit: Astronomy: Roen Kelly Friday, February 21The Moon passes 0.4° south of the bright red giant Antares in Scorpius this morning at 4 A.M. EST. The pair is visible … Read more

Dramatic changes on Uranus, Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter revealed in 10 years of Hubble Telescope images (video)

The Hubble Space Telescope has spent more than thirty years providing some of the most incredible images of the known universe, but it’s only for the last ten that scientists have pointed its gaze at our solar system’s outer planets to observe them like never before. For the past decade, NASA’s Outer Planet Atmospheres Legacy … Read more