Wonky row crops and ‘possessed’ tractors: The surprising impact of solar storms on modern farming

Modern-day farming is a high-tech operation highly dependent on GPS-guided tractors revolutionizing the way crops are planted, fertilized and harvested. But on May 10, 2024, that system came under attack, not from mechanical failure or sophisticated hackers, but from the sun itself. On that day, the sun unleashed its largest geomagnetic storm in decades. The … Read more

Here’s How Interstellar Objects and Rogue Planets Can be Trapped in the Solar System

When Oumuamua traversed our Solar System in 2017 it was the first confirmed Interstellar Object (ISO) to do so. Then in 2019, Comet 2l/Borisov did the same thing. These are the only two confirmed ISOs to visit our Solar System. Many more ISOs must have visited in our Solar System’s long history, and many more … Read more