An Unfinished Detector has Already Spotted the Highest-Energy Neutrino Ever Seen

This is an artist's impression of a KM3NeT installation in the Mediterranean. Underwater neutrino detectors take advantage of location to track these fast particles. Image Courtesy Edward Berbee/Nikhef.

When it comes to particles, only photons are more abundant than neutrinos, yet detecting neutrinos is extremely difficult. Scientists have gone to extreme lengths to detect them, including building neutrino observatories in deep, underground mines and in the deep, clear ice of Antarctica. One of their latest efforts to detect neutrinos is KM3NeT, which is … Read more

How scientists spotted that most energetic neutrino


Recent research on lightweight particles called neutrinos might have passed you by – much like the more than 10 trillion neutrinos passing through your body each second. Now, our new paper – with 21 countries, more than 60 institutes and around 360 scientists contributing – reports the observation of the most energetic neutrino yet. Despite … Read more

Einstein ring spotted around a nearby galaxy

Many small galaxies and one large, fuzzy almost circular one with a tiny, glowing ring around its bright center.

Look closely. Can you spot the ring of light around the center of this galaxy, NGC 6505? ESA’s Euclid telescope captured galaxy NGC 6505, which is acting as a gravitational lens, bending the light from a more distant galaxy and creating this Einstein ring. See closeup below. Image via ESA/ Euclid/ Euclid Consortium/ NASA. Image … Read more