Gravitational waves could turn colliding neutron stars into ‘cosmic tuning forks’

The kilonova associated with GW170817 (inset) as observed by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope (visible light) and Chandra X-ray Observatory (blue) over nine days in August 2017.

Scientists have discovered a new way to probe the interiors of neutron stars by using gravitational waves to turn them into “cosmic tuning forks.” The reverberations of such ripples in spacetime could reveal the interiors of these extreme stellar remains. Born when massive stars die, neutron stars have up to two times the mass of … Read more

Temperamental Stars are Messing With Our Exoplanet Efforts

This extraordinarily detailed image of the Sun's surface comes from the Solar Orbiter during a recent close encounter. Swirling magnetic fields help create cooler and hotter regions on the surface. Image Credit: ESA - European Space Agency

We have the transit method to thank for the large majority of the exoplanets we’ve discovered. When an exoplanet transits its star, the dip in starlight tells astronomers that a planet is present. Analyzing the light can tell them about the planet’s size and atmospheric properties. However, a star’s surface isn’t always uniformly heated. There … Read more

There Could Be a Supermassive Black Hole in the Large Magellanic Cloud Hurling Stars at the Milky Way

Hypervelocity stars (HVSs) were first theorized to exist in the late 1980s. In 2005, the first discoveries were confirmed. HVSs travel much faster than normal stars, and sometimes, they can exceed the galactic escape velocity. Astronomers estimate that the Milky Way contains about 1,000 HVSs, and new research shows that some of these originate in … Read more

Temperamental stars could be ruining our view of thousands of exoplanets, Hubble Telescope finds

A new study has revealed that temperamental stars that brighten and dim over the course of just a few hours could be distorting astronomers’ views of thousands of planets beyond the solar system. The team behind this research reached this conclusion by studying 20 extrasolar planets or “exoplanets” as they crossed, or “transited,” the faces … Read more

New ‘Star Wars: The Mask of Fear’ novel stars Mon Mothma, Bail Organa, and Saw Gerrera (interview)

Galavanting through the galaxy far, far away with seemingly effortless literary ease, prolific “Star Wars” author, Alexander Freed has been catapulted to the top tier of sci-fi writers. He is confidently able to navigate far off alien worlds and complex plotlines via their imposing storytelling skills, engaging characters, and vivid descriptions. Freed accumulated an impressive … Read more

Lightsails, and the audacious plan to reach the stars

In recent decades, technological advances have opened up the possibility of light-powered space travel at a significant fraction of light speed. This involves a ground-based light beamer pushing ultra-light nanocrafts – miniature space probes attached to lightsails – to speeds of up to 100 million miles an hour (160 million kph). Such a system would … Read more

Why are stars so bright on winter nights?

Why are the winter stars so bright? It’s winter in the Northern Hemisphere (summer in the Southern Hemisphere), and if you look outside in the evening you’ll see many bright stars. Beginning around now, the evening sky as seen from around the world will look clearer and sharper than it did 6 months ago, assuming no … Read more

Stars get ripped open like Christmas presents to create strange ‘JuMBO’ worlds

Scientists have received an unexpected Christmas gift this year: a potential solution to the mystery of JuMBOs, strange celestial objects that seem not to be planets or stars. Try putting a bow on that! This gift comes courtesy of a team of researchers who believe that mysterious JuMBOs (Jupiter-mass binary objects) are actually stellar cores … Read more

Unraveling the mystery of blue straggler stars

The globular cluster M53, imaged here by the Hubble Space Telescope, is home to mostly older stars – but also a population of strange, young-looking blue straggler stars. Credit: ESA/Hubble, NASA Meet HD 65907, an imposter. It’s a star that appears far too young for its age. Astronomers have finally cracked the case of this … Read more

Zwicky Classifies More Than 10,000 Exploding Stars

Even if you knew nothing about astronomy, you’d understand that exploding stars are forceful and consequential events. How could they not be? Supernovae play a pivotal role in the Universe with their energetic, destructive demises. There are different types of supernovae exploding throughout the Universe, with different progenitors and different remnants. The Zwicky Transient Facility … Read more