Vast Space now aims for 2026 launch of Haven-1 space station module after key milestone (photos)

A man in a grey long-sleeve shirt and ginger hair faces away, looking up with his left hand holding the hatch at the end of a large white conical vessel with a gridded latus around its exterior.

Vast Space is taking big steps toward putting the first commercial space station in orbit. The California-based startup recently completed a major testing milestone for the qualification vessel of its upcoming Haven-1 station, a benchmark Vast also used to reevaluate the launch date for the company’s first flight-ready module. “With the completion of our primary … Read more

Axiom Space revises space station assembly plans

WASHINGTON — Axiom Space is revising the assembly sequence for its commercial space station, a move it says will allow it to get to a free-flying station sooner while addressing NASA’s needs to prepare for the deorbiting of the International Space Station. The company announced Dec. 18 a revised sequence of modules it will deploy … Read more