Some of Uranus’ moons might be able to support life. Here’s what a mission might reveal

For sure, it was a far-reaching recommendation: The planet Uranus and its moons should be NASA’s highest-priority new flagship mission for startup in the decade 2023-2032.

The proposed mission, known as Uranus Orbiter and Probe (UOP), would conduct a multiyear orbital tour to yield knowledge of ice giants in general and the Uranus system in particular, doing so through flybys and the delivery of an atmospheric probe. The payoff: “transformative, breakthrough science across a broad range of topics.”

UOP was advocated within the pages of “Origins, Worlds, and Life — A Decadal Strategy for Planetary Science and Astrobiology 2023-2032.” Released in 2022, that heady document came from the prestigious U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine and was sponsored by NASA and the National Science Foundation.

illustration of a spacecraft descending through a cloudy alien sky beneath a red and white parachute

Taking the plunge! Uranus exploration could be opened up by an orbiter/probe mission, a proposed new NASA flagship venture. (Image credit: Keck Institute for Space Studies/Chuck Carter)

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